Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Feel the Love

I’ve felt it
I know I have
Even when he was away
Even on a stressful Monday
I didn’t know it at the time
But I felt good all the time
Now that’s the bookmark
Now I’ll know when I cross that threshold
To have someone
To have your back
Gives me peace of mind
But let the search continue
That can be fun too
But when I feel it again
I’ll know
Because I’ve felt it
I know I have

Love at Light Speed

Some say it’s in the air
But who put it there?
Does it emit from the ear, the nose, the mouth?
Does it flow from the North or from the South?
It’s something you feel but cannot see
How it works is a mystery
I need a doctor, one that will teach
Is there a support group that can help me?
I cannot find true love around
I guess I’ll keep on waiting
I’ll ponder these thoughts on another round
Of singles’ speed dating

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

haiku for wednesday

What's the theme this week?
I don't know, I'm so confused...
Advil Cold&Flu

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

True Love

Passion is how I define it
it grow up on me, Im not sure how
it got me interested since I was a child.

It takes my breath away,
sometimes it steals my tears
but it aslo gives me a lot of smiles
and its flow make my hips move around.

It inspires me
it makes me dream with its sound
doesn't matter its form
every note, every melody sparks my soul
I live with it, I live for it
Music my insane love.

Angry Sound

If you stand quiet
you' will hear an echo
cause you left me
cause you're selfish
cause Im angry
cause Im crying
cause you hurt me
cause it was several times
cause your lies.
But shhhhh.... Keep quiet!
cause now is my heart who is talking.

Need a whole bottle
haikus produced me headache
Advil do your work!

Another Chemical

Trusted Advil pill
it contains ibuprofen
what that means? not sure...